Unique Ways To Customize A Headstone

3 December 2021
 Categories: Business, Blog


Most people only arrange to have a headstone made once or a few times in their lives. So, it only makes sense that you would not have a full idea of what options are available when it comes to headstone engraving. You'll want to customize the stone with the name of the deceased individual, and also the dates on which they were born and died. This is all you really have to include on a headstone. But, if you want to make the stone a little more original, there are a few ways you can customize it.

Choose a meaningful font

Over the past few decades, headstone manufacturers have begun offering a greater selection of fonts. You can choose from a lot more than just a script or a simple, sans-serif font. Was there a font that meant something to the deceased? Perhaps they owned a business and always used a certain font for their marketing materials. Or maybe they were a calligrapher and they had a font they always wrote in. You can look through the headstone company's font options and pick the one that seems most in line with the deceased's preferences.

Include a quote

People sometimes include lyrics or poems on the headstones of those they love. You can definitely go this route. But if you want to do something a bit more original, you may instead want to include a quote from the deceased. Was there something they told you when you were feeling down, in order to help you feel better? Maybe there was a certain phrase they always uttered before leaving a room. You want someone to look at the headstone, read the quote, and know that it fully represents who they were.

Have a small picture etched

You may not want to have the entire gravestone etched with pictures or images. However, a small image etched in one corner of the stone can add some interest. If your loved one enjoyed cats, you could have a little cat figure etched in one corner. If they loved flowers, an etched bouquet of roses might be nice. Some headstone companies do this etching themselves, and others hire outside illustrators. In any case, you should be able to have simple images added to the stone without an issue.

Nobody wants to be in charge of designing a gravestone, since that means someone passed away. But if you do find yourself in this situation, at least you now have some ideas. For more information, contact a company like Memorial  Art Monument.